Book your free Discovery Call or contact me today

Book your free Discovery Call or contact me today


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Frequently Asked questions

Contact me using my details above.

We will meet on Zoom and talk about your emotional experience with English and what your current priority is.

From here we will talk deeply about what is motivating you now to gain more confidence in English and what specific actions we can take to ensure that you are able to achieve your objective. It is an opportunity for you to ask me any questions and at the end of the call you are under no obligation to commit to anything.

During this session, we will discuss your goals, needs, and learning style to recommend the best way forward for you.

Mostly my clients see results within 2-3 sessions because it is the first time they have ever talked through their emotional difficulties with English.

The traditional language classroom doesn’t usually take into account the impact that our fears, vulnerabilities and past experiences can have on our ability to learn and use English effectively.

The sessions are adapted specifically for your unique needs so I will prepare the materials and activities 100% according to your requirements.

The first couple of sessions will focus more on your emotions and thought patterns about your ability to learn and use English confidently and fluently. After that point there are 2 options – 4 session packs (for focusing on a short-term goal and acquiring the necessary skills and practice for that challenge) or 6 session packs for more long-term work on objectives and skills that you want to improve.

Sessions are one-to-one and are tailored to your exact needs.

Language coaching is a professional service that focuses on your psychological and emotional responses in all aspects of your experience with English. Teaching is an essential part of life, but it is generally more about passing knowledge from the teacher to the student.

My coaching process is about helping you find your ideal way of acquiring the knowledge and expertise to be able to feel comfortable and communicate effectively in English.

I know that each person is unique and requires a different approach depending on their way of experiencing English and everything related to using the language: vulnerability, fear, disappointment, negative comparisons, blocks, nerves, frustration, pressure…

Language coaching is a confidential process to help you transform any limiting beliefs and find ways to excel with the language. I will also help you find ways to learn autonomously and become a successful and independent language-learner.

Most people like to schedule a session once a week, but some people prefer to meet more frequently and I also have several clients who have decided to meet once a fortnight, or sporadically when they have an important challenge in their job.

Sessions are generally one hour in length, however if we are in the middle of something important, I do schedule time to ensure we are able to complete the activity in a relaxed and natural way. Between sessions I am available to give feedback and support whenever you may need it.

The coaching prices vary depending on the service you choose and the length of your coaching program. I offer competitive prices and will explain all the options when we first meet in the free consultation call.

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