About me

About me

When I arrived in Spain in January 2003 I had studied a lot of Spanish – at university and in classes after work for several years. I had some familiar beliefs “British people are very bad at learning languages!”, “What if I make a mistake, it will be so embarrassing!”, “Look at how well Richard/Katie/etc speak, my Spanish is terrible compared to them!” but, I was also young, optimistic and imagined that I would learn Spanish quickly and that my years of studying were going to make it relatively easy.

Then came the shock!

I couldn’t really understand anyone, and when I tried to speak, I confused the verb conjugations, the tenses, the masculine / feminine… etc. Suddenly, I was lost, frustrated and feeling anxious most of the time!

Shona Bannatyne - Language Coach

Sadly, I experienced these negative feelings for many years afterwards until finally I discovered coaching. My coaching process has transformed my feelings and internal dialogue about my Spanish and now I frequently experience that “flow” state of simply enjoying conversations, contributing in meetings, getting to know new people, gossiping with friends, watching TV series…

I realized that this is how I could help my clients who have been suffering for years with their English learning experience, so in 2019 I decided to study a course in Language Coaching (Neurolanguage Coaching®) and I became a fully qualified language coach.

When my clients explain to me:

  • “Now I feel relaxed in meetings”
  • “Now I realize that I can learn and can improve, it’s possible”
  • “I finally feel proud of my English – it’s a wonderful feeling”
  • “I felt confident last week speaking with a visitor from Germany”
  • “I got a new job, the interview process went very well”
  • “I have learnt to improvise and keep speaking, to find another way of saying what I want to say”
  • “Now I feel better about my English, I never thought this was possible”

In these moments I am incredibly happy and realize how important this work is for so many people.

Flow in English - Shona Bannatyne 3

My passion is:

  • Helping my clients feel peaceful, serene and proud of their English
  • Reducing any negative judgements and critical thoughts that don’t benefit their progress
  • Optimizing their ability to find pleasure and enjoyment with their English experiences

Would you like to give it a try? Why not book a free discovery call here!

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